Ground. Reset. Transform.

The path to living well lives inside you. INBODY WELLBEING is built on the foundation that nourishing your inner self provides the ground to manifesting a meaningful life. While this may sound esoteric, embodiment practices are healing because they deepen your connection to yourself, to those around you and to the life you are creating.

INBODY WELLBEING offers customized practices to help clients inhabit their bodies concretely through biodynamic craniosacral therapy, therapeutic yoga, postural alignment, breath techniques, and meditation. These specialized tools mitigate the impact of stress, soothe the nervous system and resolve held trauma in the tissues.  

By simply slowing down and listening within, you develop a felt sense of your body’s present moment. Attunement to the felt sense invites your bodymind to rest in the salve of energetic stillness providing the space to digest unprocessed tension, emotions, and history. Once done, you will feel grounded, reset, and transformed. 

It’s the feeling you didn’t know you were missing until you felt it. Discover that and you with INBODY WELLBEING. 

A Path Toward Balance

Meet Stacey

Stacey has nearly three decades in the field of wellness as a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, an alignment-based yoga instructor, and an Alexander Technique facilitator. She is the founder of INBODY WELLBEING and is the director of Powerflow Yoga’s 200-hour and Yin Yoga teacher trainings.


Craniosacral Therapy

Encourages your body to build its energy reserves to re-pattern and heal physical and emotional stress that’s been held in the nervous system.


Guides you to connect with the intelligence in your system for a Yoga practice that is deeply informed with precision, awareness, and flow.

Alexander Technique

Teaches functional alignment in the body. Release those patterns, restoring your movement to its natural poise and fluidity.

Corporate Wellbeing

Through yoga breathing techniques, stretches, meditation, and workplace postural tips, your employees will learn ways to feel and work better.

  • "Having no preconceived ideas of what craniosacral therapy can do, I'm truly amazed by the healing and transformation that can happen with this holistic form of treatment."

    Kim McOwan | Interior Designer

  • "As a result of my practice with Stacey, my neck bothers me very little. She helped me to develop real core strength and I now understand how to move with functional alignment."

    Dr. Francis Weiner | Gastroenterologist

  • "INbody Wellbeing has done wonders for my severely aching lower back. My posture has improved and I now have expectations that I can live a life without pain."

    Charles Timberlake | International Trader