
The path to living well lives inside you. INBODY WELLBEING is built on the foundation that nourishing your inner self provides the ground to manifesting a meaningful life. While this may sound esoteric, embodiment practices are healing because they deepen your connection to yourself, to those around you and to the life you are creating.

INBODY WELLBEING offers customized practices to help clients inhabit their bodies concretely through biodynamic craniosacral therapy, therapeutic yoga, postural alignment, breath techniques, and meditation. These specialized tools mitigate the impact of stress, soothe the nervous system and resolve held trauma in the tissues.  

By simply slowing down and listening within, you develop a felt sense of your body’s present moment. Attunement to the felt sense invites your bodymind to rest in the salve of energetic stillness providing the space to digest unprocessed tension, emotions, and history. Once done, you will feel grounded, reset, and transformed. 

It’s the feeling you didn’t know you were missing until you felt it. Discover that and you with INBODY WELLBEING.

Meet Stacey

STACEY BELL has nearly three decades in the field of wellness as a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, an alignment-based yoga instructor, and an Alexander Technique facilitator. She is the founder of INBODY WELLBEING and is the director of Powerflow Yoga’s 200-hour and Yin Yoga teacher trainings.

Whether in private sessions, group classes or corporate settings, Stacey’s students and clients learn to inhabit their bodies with functional balance to move with ease and grace. Specializing in musculoskeletal issues, she helps people alleviate the accumulated effects of tension on the body, due to mechanical misuse and other life stressors. Her warmth, knowledge and authenticity ease her clients into a space of inner calm and wholeness.

Stacey’s love of mind-body modalities began with a 600-hour immersion into the Alexander Technique. She completed her foundation Yoga Teacher Training at Kripalu Center; followed by continuous study into the methodology of Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative and Raja Yoga. Her teaching is greatly influenced by years of devoted study of the Iyengar method with her primary teachers, Mary Sinclair and Lisa Rotell. In addition, Stacey completed a 900-hour deep dive into Craniosacral Therapy and received certification through Franklyn Sills’ Karuna Institute. Her post CST study includes Visceral Manipulation (Michael Kern DO); Cultivating Energetic Stillness (Mike Boxhall); Embryological study (Jaap Van de Waal MD); and Embryological application to CST (Katherine Ukleja DO).

Stacey owned and operated two successful yoga studios: Mindful Movement in Manhattan and Yoga Samadhi in Greenwich, CT. She is featured in Time Out and Nickelodeon magazines and the Greenwich Times.